Ofsted Information

The school was last inspected on the 29th and 30th March 2022 with an overall effectiveness of ‘Requires improvement’:

Ofsted Report - 2022

As you will see, whilst a ‘requires improvement’ school, the report clearly shows how Stockwood is on a journey of improvement and the whole school community takes pride in many of the very positive findings. We are particularly proud of the ‘Good’ judgement for 6th form where students “learning and achieve week because leaders have planned well for their provision.”

Whilst we do hope that parents and members of the wider community will take time to read the report in its entirety, we would like to celebrate with you some comments which recognise the work we have been doing during to improve outcomes for our young people.

  • Students in the sixth form at Stockwood Park Academy learn and achieve well because leaders have planned well for their provision.
  • Pupils usually experience a calm and focused environment in lessons.
  • Most pupils feel that staff take bullying issues seriously and deal with them.
  • Pupils value staff’s high visibility around the school, and they appreciate the work of their year teams.
  • Pupils and parents value the wide range of before and after school clubs. Pupils also benefit from the chance to engage in charity work.
  • Leaders are working to bring about improvements in the curriculum.
  • In some subjects, such aas religious education, planning is detailed, teachers are well trained, and pupils produce high-quality work.
  • Leaders promote reading, including by modelling reading in lessons and rewarding pupils for the books they have read.
  • Behaviour is calm and orderly for the majority of the time pupils spend in lessons. This is due to a clear behaviour system that is understood by pupils and staff.
  • Students in the sixth form treat each other with tolerance and respect.

With the publication of the report, we will continue to address the issues that you as parents are most concerned about – that is ensuring that the children of The Stockwood Park Academy receive the high-quality education that they deserve in a safe environment where all children are supported to reach their potential. We hope that you as parents will continue to support us with this aim.