Free School Meals/Catering

Our catering is provided by Chartwells.

Chartwells tspa


Catering Staff (from left to right)
Touria, Suzana, Jurgita, Erjona, Pete (Kitchen Manager), Claire, Nijole, Latriece and Halima.  

Tspa kitchen team

In addition to daily hot meal options (including a vegetarian hot meal), a range of sandwiches, rolls and subs is on offer each day. The salad bar is also available at lunchtime for students. Hot and cold snacks such as pastries, fruit, yogurt pots and muffins are also available.

Find out if you are eligible and make sure your son / daughter benefits from;

  • A great selection of hot & cold lunches
  • Healthy & delicious food
  • Better concentration and improved performance as a result of a nutritious school lunch

Eligibility Criteria

You may qualify if you are in receipt of the following:-

  • Income Support or;
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or;
  • Employment & Support Allowance (Income-Related) or;
  • Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit or;
  • National Asylum Seekers Support (NASS) or;
  • Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit), and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 AND your son / daughter attends a school full-time.

If you think your son/daughter is eligible for Free School Meals, click here to visit the Luton Borough Council website and apply.

Alternatively to make an appointment to discuss this further, please contact the Academy reception on 01582 722 333.