
The Stockwood Park Academy uses the Satchel One online homework software Show My Homework. Satchel One

Getting started is simple:

  1. Contact The Stockwood Park academy for your unique parent code (this is mailed out to all parents but reminders can be provided.)
  2. Go to satchelone.com/login or open the Satchel One mobile app
  3. Click on the Parent tab and select I don’t have an account yet
  4. Search for The Stockwood Park Academy 
  5. Enter your email address and your unique code
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions
  7. If you already have an account, go to the Edit Profile section of your account and enter this code into the box to link your existing account to this student

Your parent account will allow you to view the full details of your child’s upcoming, completed and overdue homework tasks allowing you to provide the necessary support for your child.

For any further queries please contact The Stockwood Park Academy  or for any technical support please visit the help centre help.satchelone.com